Friday 8 June 2018

Spike Island

This year for our school tour we went to Spike Island in Cobh in Co. Cork. We got a bus from school to Cobh. When we arrived at Cobh we got a boat over to Spike Island. We sat out on deck. It was amazing.

When we landed on the island. We walked over a man-made bridge. Then we met our tour guide Jaime. When we started to walk we saw houses owned by the military. Little Nellie lived in one of the houses. We had to walk up a big hill to enter the prison. We were allowed to go where ever we wanted. We also went to the ringfort. It was very well hidden. Next we went to the punishment block. We walked around it. Then we went to the gun room. There was tanks and cannon shooters. It was all very impressive artillery. Then we had lunch.

        After lunch we did the activities. We were split in two groups. Half of us were doing an obstacle course and the other half of us played guards and convicts. Then we had to get the hoola hoop around the circle.  We also played cups and saucers. Then the two groups swapped. After that we walked up and found a green area.  Then we looked at the tunnels. There were three tunnels but only one is open to the public. By the time we were finished it was time to go. Then we went back to the boat and got on the bus and went home. Half way there the radiator leaked and the bus broke down. We really enjoyed Spike Island!

By Sally Houlihan, Denise Mangan and Ruby Lineen


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