Friday 8 June 2018

School Tour

On Friday the 1st of June we went to Spike Island. Spike Island was so much fun. We went on a boat from Cobh to Spike Island. When we got there, we met our tour guide who told us about Spike Island and he gave us a tour. 

     First, we saw houses he said, “In the olden times the bigger the family the bigger the house”. Our tour guide showed us where Little Nellie lived and they are still trying to make Little Nellie a saint to this day. Then we went to a jail. The jail was really big. In one of the prison’s there was a mannequin it was funny. But lot’s of people were screaming. There was a whole through a door and when we looked there was a dummy staring at us. We got a tiny bit scared!

    After that we had lunch. Then we played games. First we did activities with Ross. The first activity  was guards and prisoners then we did some races. We also did cups and saucers. Then we went on the obstacle course. Then we did races and we were done. We went back home on the boat. We hope you visit Spike Island as it is really great fun.

   By Chantelle, Shannyn and Eoin.

Fourth Class around the statue of Sonia O'Sullivan in Cobh!!!

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