Monday 25 March 2019

Peace Proms 2019

The day was finally here, it was the 10th of  February 2019 and we were on the way to the Peace Proms. We got on the bus to go to Waterford with excitement. Once we got there we all lined up to go to the bathroom before dancing and singing. After we were finished we sat down and had lunch. Now it was time for the show to begin and we all stood up and started singing MAKE SOME NOISE!

We performed so many fun songs that we started to sweat from the lights. We were singing and dancing for two and a half hours and our whole body began to ache. It was all over so we went to the
"Park Hotel" for a delicious meal. We could either have "Chips and Goujons"or"Roast of the Day".It was a wonderful time and we had a spectacular meal . We really enjoyed it and we can't wait to do it
Next Year!

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