Monday, 25 March 2019

Peace Proms 2019

The day was finally here, it was the 10th of  February 2019 and we were on the way to the Peace Proms. We got on the bus to go to Waterford with excitement. Once we got there we all lined up to go to the bathroom before dancing and singing. After we were finished we sat down and had lunch. Now it was time for the show to begin and we all stood up and started singing MAKE SOME NOISE!

We performed so many fun songs that we started to sweat from the lights. We were singing and dancing for two and a half hours and our whole body began to ache. It was all over so we went to the
"Park Hotel" for a delicious meal. We could either have "Chips and Goujons"or"Roast of the Day".It was a wonderful time and we had a spectacular meal . We really enjoyed it and we can't wait to do it
Next Year!

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019

Bhí an-spórt againn i rith Seachtain an Gaeilge. Bhí taispeántas ar siúl gach tráthnóna sa seomra drámaíochta. Maidin Dé hAoine, chuaigh na daltaí go léir amach sa chlós chun Amhrán na bhFiann a chanadh nuair a bhí na buachaillí ag ardú brat na hÉireann.
              Tráthnóna Dé hAoine,bhíomar ar bís. Sheasamar ar an ardán sa seomra drámaíochta réidh chun canadh. Bhí ár ukukele linn. Bhí rang a trí linn freisin chun "Shotgun" a chanadh as gaeilge.
Éist linn!
Cad a cheapann tú?

Feis Maitiú Competition

We have been preparing for the Feis Mathiú choir competition since the start of the year! The  competition took place in the Father Mathew hall in Cork,on the 28th of February.The choir left the school at 8:15am on the morning of the competition.During the ride to Cork on our lively bus,we unexpectedly slowed to a halt.We peered out of the window to see why we had stopped. Unfortunately we were stuck in traffic!Ms. O'Mahony took this oppurtunity to give us one more practice of our two songs and give us a few tips to remember.
                   When we got off the bus we went into the Father Maitiú Hall. We sang "The Birds Lament" and "The Wizard" We all felt a bit shy facing the audience but once we started singing we forgot all about them!After we all felt fine.Then we watched all the other choirs.Once they announced the results we came second, we were all delighted, the teachers said we did our best!
                    When we boarded the bus the teachers had a surprise for us,they were  taking us to Mc Donalds in Midelton! After Mc Donalds we went back to school. Everyone had a great day out!

RSA Safety Talk

One February day in 2019, Alexandra and Naoimi  visited Bunscoil Bhóthar na Naomh to give us a safety talk.The two R.S.A ladies spoke to us about how deadly the road could be.
                                       We all had a try to guess how many people died on the road in 2016. To our great surprise, it was forty-nine, a lot more than we ever have thought.
                                 After Alexandra told us how many people, a few volunteers chosen randomly from our class came up to the top. Then Alexandra checked to see if these people were safe in a car without a booster-seat by using measurement.
                                    After that speech we were divided into pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. We stepped out onto the model village. Next the drivers and cyclists were given push-on unicycles.
                                                  Afterwards we were officially declared safe pedestrians with our own four-star safety licences.

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons On Tuesday 14 th May, we started our 6 week swimming course at “Aura Leisure Centre” Youghal. The 2 buses left Lismo...